Friday, 22 November 2024

Muga Silkworm

Local name: Muga
Scientific name: Antheraea assama 
Family: Saturnidae
Host plant: Som and Sualu. Secondary host plant: Mejankari, Dighloti, Bagri and Bajramani

Muga Silkworm


1.     Pebrine:

      Pebrine cause by a protozoa namely Nosema bombycis.  The larva of muga silkworm generally got infected from the shell of the eggs. This way this disease is inherited from the infected mother. This disease may also infected leaves from host plants. When infected, the larva becomes weak and the silk glands are not properly developed.


a)     The disease can be controlled by keeping the live cocoon in a temperature of 340 C at the prepupal stage for about 16 hours.

b)     Another method of disease control is heating the eggs after deposition in 400C in a hot water bath for 20-30 minutes.

2.    Flacherie: 

      It is caused by virus followed by a secondary bacterial infection. Locally this disease is known as “Mukhlaga”. This disease is commonly seen in muga-rearing farm during summer. In this disease, infected larva die soon and sometimes entire brood is completely destroyed. 


a)     To control this disease, overcrowding of the larvae must be prevented.

b)     Only disease free seeds should be considered for rear.

Life cycle:

The life cycle of Muga silkworm consists of four distinct stages. These are 1. Egg (কণী)   2. Larva (পলু) 3. Pupa (লেটা)  4. Moth (চকৰী). To complete the life cycle it takes 48-52 days in summer and 145 – 150 days in winter.

   1. Egg

Laying egg

2. Larva

3. Pupa



4. Moth

Moths undergo mating

Amazing plants in the World

        The term "amazing plants in the world" refers to plants that possess unique and striking features, such as unusual shapes, vibrant colors, or exceptional survival abilities. Some examples of amazing plants include the Venus Flytrap, a carnivorous plant that captures insects for nutrients, and the Rafflesia, a rare and endangered plant with the largest single flower in the world. Other examples include the Corpse Flower, which has the largest unbranched inflorescence in the world, and the Slipper Orchid, with its distinctive slipper-shaped petals. These plants are found in various parts of the world and continue to fascinate botanists and plant enthusiasts.

Parasitic plants

    Parasitic plants are a type of plant that derives nutrients and water from another plant, called the host plant, rather than from soil. These plants have specialized structures, such as haustoria, that allow them to tap into the host plant's vascular system and obtain the necessary resources. Example of parasitic plants-

Dodder plant

1. Dodder plant (Common name),

      Scientific name: Cuscuta reflexa Roxb.

       Family: Convolvulaceae

Dodder are a group of over 150 species in the genus Cuscuta. Dodder is a leafless, parasitic weed that relies on its host for survival. These species have a wide variety of host plants, including landscape and nursery grown ornamentals.

Indian Pipe plant 
2. Indian Pipe plant (Common name)

      Scientific name: Monotrapa uniflora

      Family:  Ericaceae (Family) 

Indian pipe is a perennial wildflower with a wide geographic distribution throughout the United States, from Maine to California and from Florida to Alaska. It is absent from the southwest, intermountain west and the central Rocky mountains.

3. Orobanche/broomrape (Common name)

    Scientific name: Orobanche spp.

    Family: Orobanchaceae

Orobanche, commonly known as broomrape, is a genus of almost 200 species of small parasitic herbaceous plants, mostly native to the temperate Northern Hemisphere. It is the type genus of the broomrape family Orobanchaceae.

Insectivours plants

    Insectivorous plants, also known as carnivorous plants, are plants that obtain essential nutrients by capturing and digesting insects and other small animals. These plants typically thrive in nutrient-poor soil and have adapted to obtain necessary nutrients by producing modified leaves, stems, or roots that trap prey. Examples of insectivorous plants-

Venus flytraps 

1. Venus flytraps (Common name)

    Scientific name: Dionaea muscipula J. Ellis 

    Family: Droseraceae 

2. Pitcher plant (Common name)

Pitcher plant 

    Scientific name: Nepenthes khasiana Hook. f.  

    Family: Nepenthaceae 


3. Sundews (Common name)

     Scientific name: Drosera capensis L.

    Family: Droseraceae 

Thursday, 14 November 2024

Timber Yielding Plant

Tectona grandis
 1.      Teak

Local name: Segun

Scientific name: Tectona grandis L. f.                           

Family: Verbenaceae

Use: Teak is a main building material for various structures. It is widely used in the construction of houses, bridges, railway sleepers, furniture, etc. The wood is very strong and hard and durable because of its large oil content in the heartwood.

2.       Sal

Local name: Sal gos

Shorea robusta
Scientific name: Shorea robusta C. F. Gaertn                                                                                                                                         

Use: Sal wood is the hardest and most durable wood. It is widely used in making piles, beams, planking, bridges, and boats. It also produces excellent-quality door and window frames. It is also used for making gun carriages and railway sleepers.


An aromatic resin obtained from sal is used in boats and ships to make them impervious to water. The resin is also use in incense stick. Important oil is obtained from seeds which has various uses. Barks are used to prepare some kinds of dye and the leaves are used as alternative of disc for serving meals in festivals times.


3.       Sissoo

Dalbergia sissoo 
Local name: Sissoo

Scientific name: Dalbergia sissoo Roxb. 
Family: Leguminosae

Use: It is used to make high class furniture and cabinet. Due to its strength, elasticity and durability it is used to make wooden frameworks, agriculture implements, boats, carriages, carts, railways sleepers, musical instruments, plywood, etc.


4.      Gomari

Local name: Gomari

Scientific name: Gmelina arborea Roxb. ex. Sm 

Gmelina arborea
Family: Verbenaceae

Use: Wood is widely used for making furniture, carriages, printings blocks, carvings, boxes, artificial limb, loom. The wood is also used in bridge building, ship building, plywood making, match sticks and match boxes production.


5.      Hollong

Dipterocarpus macrocarpus 
Local name: Holong

Scientific name: Dipterocarpus macrocarpus vesque.   

Family: Dipterocarpaceae

Use: The wood is used for construction of railways sleepers, plywood and flooring, paneling, etc. The wood is also used for construction of carriages, tea boxes, etc.

Tuesday, 12 November 2024

Drugs Yielding Plants (Medicinal plants)

1. Sarpagandha

Local name: Sarpagondha

Scientific name: Rauvolfia serpentina Benth. ex. Kurz. 

Family: Apocynaceae

Parts use: Roots and Leaves.

Disease treatment-

 1. About 20 alkaloids are obtained from roots and use against high blood pressure, insomnia, schizophrenia, nervous breakdown and hypertension. The decoction of root is used to increase uterine contraction in labours. In some places root extract is used as tonic

2. Leaf juice is used to remove opacities of the cornea.

Chemical present: Reserpine (Alkaloids substance)

2.  Neem

Local name: Neem

Scientific name: Azadirachta indica A. Juss.

Family: Meliaceae

Parts use: Leaves, Bark, Roots, Seeds, Fruits.

Disease treatment: Skincare, Haircare, Insect repellent, digestive issues, fever, etc.
Chemical present: Azadirachtin

Ocimum sanctum
3.  Tulsi

Local name: Tuloshi

Scientific name: Ocimum sanctum L. 

Family: Lamiaceae

Parts use: Leaves, Tender shoots, Roost etc.

Disease treatment: Cough, Antibacterial, Antimalarial, Antioxidant. 

Chemical present: Phenolic compounds, Flavonoids, Essential oils, etc.

4. Cinchona

Local name: Cinchona

Scientific name: Cinchona officinalis L.; C. calisaya Wedd., C. ledgeriana and C. succirubra Pav. Ex. Klotzsch (Four species)

Family: Rubiaceae

Parts used: Bark

Disease treatment- Malaria; It is also used tonic and antiseptic.

Chemical present: Quinine is one of the most important drug obtain from it.

5. Atropa

Atropa belladonna
Local name: Atropa

Scientific name: Atropa belladonna L.

Family: Solanaceae

Parts use: Whole plant

Disease treatment- Traditionally used for headache, menstrual symptoms, peptic ulcer disease, histamine reactions, histamine and motion sickness.

Chemical present: Atropine and scopolamine (alkaloids)

Sunday, 10 November 2024

এখন গাড়ীৰ ৰাজকীয় শেষকৃত্য

    মানুহৰ সমাজত আজৱ খবৰৰ অভাৱ নাই। নিতৌ ঘটে নতুন নতুন ঘটনা। যোৱা ১০ নম্বেহৰত অহা এটা খবৰে সকলোৰে দৃষ্টি আকষণ কৰিছে। এফালে কোনোবা ঠাইত যদি মানুহৰ মৃতদেহ সত্কাৰ কৰিবলৈকে আপোন মানুহৰ অভাৱ আনফালে কাৰোবাৰ পুৰণি গাড়ীখনৰ ৰাজকীয় অন্তিম সন্মানেৰে শস্শান যাত্ৰা। গুজৰাটৰ এটা পৰিয়ালে তেওঁলোকৰ ১২ বছৰীয়া হেঁপাহৰ গাড়ীখনৰ শেষকৃত্য সম্পন্ন কৰে পৰম্পৰাগত ৰীতি-নীতিৰে। এই শেষকৃত্যস্থলীত পোন্ধৰশৰৰো অধিক লোকৰ সমাগম হয়। এই শেষকৃত্য কৰ্মত পৰিয়ালটোৱে খৰচ কৰে চাৰি লাখৰো অধিক টকা। পৰিয়ালটোৰ ফাৰ্ম হাউচত   ১৫ ফুট দ গাত খান্দি ১২ বছৰ পুৰণি 'Wagon R'  গাড়ীখন পুষ্পৰে সজাই লৈ যায় শেষ কৃত্য কৰ্মভাগিৰ বাবে। সেই কৰুণ দৃশ্য চাই উচুপি উঠে পৰিয়ালটোৰ সকলো লোক। এই সন্দৰ্ভত গাড়ীৰ গৰাকী, ছুৰাটৰ ব্যৱসায়ী সঞ্জয় পালোৰাই কয় যে পৰিয়ালৰ উন্নতি জখলাত বগুৱাবাই যাওঁতে এই গাড়ীখনে গুৰু ভূমিকা পালন কৰিছিল। ১২ বছৰ পূর্বে গাড়ীখন কিনাৰ পাছৰেপৰা পৰিয়ালটো নদন-বদন হৈ পৰে, সমৃদ্ধিৰ জোৱাৰ আহে। বৃদ্ধি পায় সামাজিক স্থিতি। এতেকে বিক্ৰীৰ সলনি ভক্তিভাবেৰে সমাধিস্থ কৰাৰ সিদ্ধান্ত লোৱা হয়। পুৰোহিতৰ মন্ত্রধ্বনিৰে শেষকৃত্য সম্পন্ন হোৱাৰ পাছত থলীতে ভাৰতীয় লোকনৃত্য গাৰ্বা পৰিৱেশন কৰা হয়।

এই কাৰ্য্যক আপুনি কি বুলি ক? এনেকুৱা কামে মানুহৰ কিবা উপকাৰ আনিবনে?  উত্তৰ প্ৰজন্মক দেখুৱাই যোৱা ই এটা কু-পৰম্পৰা হবগৈ নেকি?  ধন থাকিলেই সকলো কাম কৰাৰ অধিকাৰ পোৱাটো উচিত নে? গাড়ীখনৰ বিভিন্ন অংশ পুনব্যৱহাৰৰ কথা ভৱা হলে কি ভুল হ'ল হয়?  এটা নিজীৱ পদাৰ্থক অৰ্থহীন মৰ্য্যদা দিয়াটো কিবা অৰ্থ আছেনে?   এই অপকৰ্ম ইয়াতেই শেষ হওক।  ভুগহ্বৰ ওপৰিপৃষ্ঠখন মানুহৰ বাবেই শেষ হৈ গল, তলৰ পোন্ধৰ – বিশ ফুটলৈ যদি এইদৰে প্ৰদূষিত কৰা হয় ভৱিষ্যতৰ পৃথিৱীখন কি হবগৈ?

Saturday, 9 November 2024

Gardening Operations

Gardening operations encompass a series of essential practices aimed at establishing and maintaining healthy plants. These operations include soil preparation, manuring, watering, pest and disease management, harvesting, sowing or raising seeds and seedlings, and transplanting. Below is an explanatory note on each of these topics.

For more details visit here

Design for Raising a Garden

 The design of your garden should be tailored to your space, climate, and personal preferences. Here are key considerations for an effective garden design:

1. Layout Planning

Create a detailed plan that includes pathways, planting beds, and focal points.

Consider using raised beds to improve soil quality and drainage while making maintenance easier.

2. Plant Arrangement

Group plants with similar water and sunlight needs together (known as companion planting).

Use layers (tall plants at the back or center with shorter ones in front) to create depth.

3. Incorporate Hardscaping Elements

Include paths made of stone or gravel for accessibility.

Add benches or seating areas for relaxation.

4. Water Features

Consider adding ponds or fountains to enhance tranquility and attract wildlife.

5. Seasonal Interest

Choose a mix of plants that provide color throughout different seasons—spring blooms, summer foliage, fall colors, and winter structure.

6. Sustainability Practices

Implement organic gardening techniques by using natural fertilizers and pest control methods.

Consider native plants that require less water and maintenance.

7. Maintenance Considerations

Plan for easy access to all parts of the garden for regular upkeep.

By thoughtfully selecting plant materials and designing your garden layout with these principles in mind, you can create a beautiful and sustainable outdoor space that enhances your living environment while providing enjoyment throughout the year.

Plant materials and Gardening design

 Creating a garden involves careful planning and selection of plant materials to ensure a thriving and aesthetically pleasing environment. Here’s a comprehensive note on the required plant materials and recommended design for raising a garden.

For more details visit here

Friday, 8 November 2024

Parks and components

A park is an area designated for public enjoyment and recreation, often featuring a variety of natural and man-made elements. Parks serve as essential green spaces in urban environments, providing opportunities for leisure, social interaction, and connection with nature. They can be found in various forms, including urban parks, national parks, and country parks, each designed to meet different recreational needs.

For details visit here

Landscape gardening:

Landscape gardening is the art and science of designing, planting, and maintaining outdoor spaces to enhance their aesthetic appeal and environmental value. It involves creating a harmonious arrangement of plants, structures, and other elements to produce a picturesque effect. This practice can be defined as the beautification of land through the strategic placement of ornamental plants, lawns, trees, and shrubs to mimic natural landscapes and improve living environments.

For details note visit here

Role of Climate in Soil Development

Climate plays a pivotal role in the formation and development of soil. It influences various soil properties and processes through key clima...