Thursday, 14 November 2024

Timber Yielding Plant

Tectona grandis
 1.      Teak

Local name: Segun

Scientific name: Tectona grandis L. f.                           

Family: Verbenaceae

Use: Teak is a main building material for various structures. It is widely used in the construction of houses, bridges, railway sleepers, furniture, etc. The wood is very strong and hard and durable because of its large oil content in the heartwood.

2.       Sal

Local name: Sal gos

Shorea robusta
Scientific name: Shorea robusta C. F. Gaertn                                                                                                                                         

Use: Sal wood is the hardest and most durable wood. It is widely used in making piles, beams, planking, bridges, and boats. It also produces excellent-quality door and window frames. It is also used for making gun carriages and railway sleepers.


An aromatic resin obtained from sal is used in boats and ships to make them impervious to water. The resin is also use in incense stick. Important oil is obtained from seeds which has various uses. Barks are used to prepare some kinds of dye and the leaves are used as alternative of disc for serving meals in festivals times.


3.       Sissoo

Dalbergia sissoo 
Local name: Sissoo

Scientific name: Dalbergia sissoo Roxb. 
Family: Leguminosae

Use: It is used to make high class furniture and cabinet. Due to its strength, elasticity and durability it is used to make wooden frameworks, agriculture implements, boats, carriages, carts, railways sleepers, musical instruments, plywood, etc.


4.      Gomari

Local name: Gomari

Scientific name: Gmelina arborea Roxb. ex. Sm 

Gmelina arborea
Family: Verbenaceae

Use: Wood is widely used for making furniture, carriages, printings blocks, carvings, boxes, artificial limb, loom. The wood is also used in bridge building, ship building, plywood making, match sticks and match boxes production.


5.      Hollong

Dipterocarpus macrocarpus 
Local name: Holong

Scientific name: Dipterocarpus macrocarpus vesque.   

Family: Dipterocarpaceae

Use: The wood is used for construction of railways sleepers, plywood and flooring, paneling, etc. The wood is also used for construction of carriages, tea boxes, etc.

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