Showing posts with label Eri Silkworm. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Eri Silkworm. Show all posts

Friday, 22 November 2024

Eri Silkworm

 Local name: Eri polu

Scientific name: Philosomia ricini

Familiy: Saturniidae

Eri polu

Host plant: Ricinuc communis (Erah gos), Kesseru, Barkesserus, Tapioca, Gomari, Payan, Gulancha etc are use. But Erah gos is the primary host plant for Eri silkworm.

Erah gos


1. Pebrine: Pebrine cause by a protozoan parasite name Nosema bombycis.  Locally called as phutukia. When larva suffers fromthis disease, it becomes weak and possesses distorted and dark black coloured wings. The silk gland is also infected afterwards.


a) The disease can be controlled washing the eggs with 2% formalin.

b) Disease infected larva should be removed from the rearing bed as soon as detected.

c) Properly dried and disinfected or sterilized rearing trays should be used to avoid of infection from this disease.

2. Flacherie: It is caused by virus followed by a secondary bacterial infection. Locally this disease is known as “Mukhlaga”. The larva generally suffers from this disease when mixed leaves of different host plants are fed. 


a)     To control this disease, rearing bed should be kept clean.

b)     The larva must be provided with one kind of from larval stage to maturity.

c)     The excreta and the dead larvae should be immediately removed from the rearing tray.

 Life cycle: The life cycle of Eri silk moth is completed through four distinct phases. Life cycle is started from 1. Egg (কণী), 2. Larva (পলু), 3. Pupa (লেটা) and 4. Moth (চকৰী). In summer season, the life cycle is completed about 44-48 days and in winter season it takes about 85-87 days.

1. Egg (কণী)


2. Larva (পলু)


3. Pupa (লেটা)


4. Moth (চকৰী).

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