Thursday, 5 September 2024

Leucas aspera (Willd.) Link.

Local name: Assamese- Doron Bon; Bengali- Sheta Doron; Hindi- Bara Hal-Kus

Scientific name: Leucas aspera (Willd.) Link

Family: Lamiaceae

Botanical description: It is an erect diffused much branched hairy or hispid, aromatic herb. Plant is 30 - 50 cm tall. Stem stout, hispid, quadringular; leaves subsessile or short petioled, linear, narrowly oblong or oblong lanceolate, entire or distinctly crenate, narrowed at the base; flowers white, sessile in terminal and axillary, very dense whorls; nutlets smooth, oblong, brown.

Reproduction: Reproduce by seed. Most parts of the year flowering and fruiting is observed. It is very common herbs grow along with rice, maize, vegetables, flower gardens, orchards, roadside, etc.

Uses: Plant is used as medicine for the treatment of various diseases. Plant juice is used to treat sinusitis; tender leaves and young shoots are used as vegetables.

Reference: Islam, M. (1996), In weeds of Northeast India, pp.192.

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